Part 1: How I Got Here
What?: I am interested in the S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) career cluster.
Why?: I chose this cluster for many reasons, including the fact that there is so much to learn from S.T.E.M careers, and that it is a rapidly growing cluster.
How?: I became interested in the S.T.E.M career cluster due to the fact that I have always loved science, which is the “S” in S.T.E.M.
Who?: My grandfather was the one that got me to the point to where I actually started researching in careers in the S.T.E.M cluster.
Where?: My grandfather was the one who recommended a career in the S.T.E.M cluster for me.
Part 2: Career Cluster Slides
Intro: All of the careers in my slides are located within the S.T.E.M career cluster, which is one of the career clusters that is offered by Meade County High School. These jobs also usually require a balanced mix of scientific, technological, engineering, mathematical skills, hence the cluster name: S.T.E.M.